Friday, February 3, 2012

Paris Fridays: Meilleur Ouvrier de France (MOF)

Our first exposure to the acronym MOF was after watching Kings of Pastry on Netflix. Without going into too much detail, the Meilleur Ouvrier de France is a title bestowed upon chefs and pastry chefs who participate in a strenuous culinary competition with other expert chefs. I would recommend watching the movie if you are interested.

My favorite part of these chocolate and pastry shops is the presentation. Everything is clean, sleek, and beautifully arranged. People working behind the counter use gloves to handle all of the sweet treats. The French truly have an appreciation for elevating food to an art.

le macarons

bins of chocolate, nuts, and dried fruits

chocolate sculptures on display

I could honestly roam around these shops for hours smelling, tasting, and taking pictures of the delicate confections. 

Thanks for reading and have a beautiful weekend! 

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